Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Round Up

So, as you can probably guess, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about the case in Steubenville. I haven't as yet written them all down concisely, because it's been a doozy of a week already, and quite frankly, I'm tired. Us soapbox jumpers get exhausted sometimes, I can tell you. One day soon I'll write up all my feelings and thoughts about rape culture, misognysts, victim blamers, rape apologists and double standards, but today is not that day. I plan to go outside today and do some gardening and try my best to not think about Steubenville and how depressing it is.

There are probably a dozen of really great articles and blog posts I have read over the past week that talk about Steubenville and articulate my feelings on the subject. I'm linking two of the really good ones here for you all to read. I highly recommend you read both, because they are spot on.

I Am Not Your Wife, Your Sister, or Daughter. I Am a Person.

Great blog post that talks about how we try to use the whole, "What if she were your wife, or your sister?" argument to try and humanize victims and make people see the error in their ways, and why it isn't really the best idea. Good read.

Prevent Another Steubenville: What All Mothers Must Do for Their Sons

This, from the Huffington Post, really spoke to me a great deal, as the Mother of a young son. It talks about how the responsibility lies with us, the parents of young boys, to teach our children to be compassionate, to treat each other with kindness, and to always be empathetic and kind. You know, so they don't grow up to be rapists.

Let's hope the next blog post can focus on happier subject matter. For now, these are thought provoking pieces that I hope you'll all take the time to read.

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